

Recruitment talk (April, 2013)

早前收到一封 portal email, 有一間專營醫療器材的公司, 請畢業生當 management trainee. 雖然我不是 business 出身, 但本人對 medical equipment 有基礎認識, 所以去了 main campus 聽講座。 一開首講者便以激將法問同學們對講座的期望, 在沒人發聲的情況下我便舉手回應。 我道, I want to understand the job nature through this talk. 講者道, How much do you know about our company? 我說, By reading the email, I know that the company sells medical equipments to hospitals. 講者問, What are you studying? I said I was a nursing student. 他說, Many nursing students work as a nurse, why do you attend this talk? I said the working environment of hospital was very stressful. 他道, It’s really true. 講座期間他又問我什麼是 CSSD (Central Sterile Supply Department). 什麼是 AED (automatic external defibrillator). 我答, AED 是 defibrillator. 跟著我想, 在座的同學不會太明白什麼是心臟去顫器, 接著心裡浮現了心律不正此四字。 因為講座以英語 conduct, 我竟然說了, it makes the heart to beat again by electrical pulse. 大錯特錯, 其實 AED 是用於 ventricular fibrillation 和 ventricular tachycardia (過快). 如果心跳停頓要立即進行 cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 講座接近尾聲, 講者道, 入職不用經驗, 但 accumulative GPA 要 at least 3.3 即時灰了, 白花車費和時間, 有興趣的同學可發電郵致 recruit@cra.hk with academic result and resume

