naval: of or relating to a navy
squadron: a unit of military organization
maneuver: an armed forces training exercise
patchy: irregular in appearance, makeup, or quality
lookout: one engaged in keeping watch
A bridge wing is a narrow walkway extending from both sides of a pilothouse to the full width of a ship or slightly beyond, to allow bridge personnel a full view to aid in the maneuvering of the ship.
starboard bow: the starboard surface of a ship's hull that curves inward to the stem
starboard: the right side of a ship or aircraft looking forward
hull: the frame or body of a ship or boat exclusive of masts, yards, sails, and rigging
astern: at or toward the stern of a ship
stern: the rear end of a boat
When two power-driven vessels are in crossing situation on a collision course, give way to the vessel to starboard (right). The give way vessel must take early and obvious action to avoid a collision by either stopping or altering course to starboard.
supersede: to displace in favor of another
monumental: outstanding
prosper: to become strong and flourishing
flourishing: very active and successful
esoteric: difficult to understand
faith: belief and trust in and loyalty to God
conscience: the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good
bespeak: to speak to especially with formality
endow: gift
unalienable: impossible to take away or give up
pursuit: chasing
nurturance: affectionate care and attention
attest: to be proof of
absurdity: a foolish act or idea
deceit: deception
baseness: badness
mediocrity: moderate ability or value
manifest: readily perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight
The more closely our maps or paradigms are aligned with these principles or natural laws, the more accurate and functional they will be. Correct maps will infinitely impact our personal and interpersonal effectiveness far more than any amount of effort expended on changing our attitudes and behaviors.
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