

the Catcher in the Rye Ch.17

couch: an article of furniture for sitting or reclining

dopey: sluggish

Elkton Hills: preparatory school

raspy: irritable

beret: a visorless usually woolen cap with a tight headband and a soft full flat top

visor: a projecting front on a cap or headband for shading the eyes

headband: a band worn on or around the head

bunk: nonsense

horse around: to engage in horseplay

horseplay: rough or boisterous play

boisterous: noisily turbulent

seduce: attract

clinch: to hold fast or firmly

drunkard: one who is habitually drunk

witty: marked by or full of clever humor

butler: the chief male servant of a household who has charge of other employees, receives guests, directs the serving of meals, and performs various personal services

shove: to push or put in a rough, careless, or hasty manner

jerk: an annoyingly stupid or foolish person

blasé: apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment

apathetic: having or showing little or no interest, concern, or emotion

indulgence: an extension of time for payment or performance granted as a favor

modest: neither bold nor self-assertive

bold: confident

assertive: disposed to or characterized by bold or confident statements and behavior

rave: to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium

flannel: a soft twilled wool or worsted fabric with a loose texture and a slightly napped surface

checkered: marked by alternating squares of different colors, shades, or materials

nauseating: causing nausea or especially disgust

slobber: to let saliva dribble from the mouth

Andover: town in northeastern Massachusetts

puke: vomit

snobby: being or characteristic of a person who has an offensive air of superiority and tends to ignore or disdain anyone regarded as inferior

darn: damn

rink: a smooth extent of ice marked off for curling or ice hockey

rubberneck: to look about or stare with exaggerated curiosity

brutal: cruel

Scotch: whiskey distilled in Scotland especially from malted barley

snotty: annoyingly or spitefully unpleasant

rear: the back part of something

clique: a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons

owe: be indebted in the sum of

oodles: a great quantity

newsreel: a short movie dealing with current events

almighty: having absolute power over all

Online Dictionary Used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

