


腦神經科學家證實,電子成癮正在「重新連結」人類大腦,降低注意力並使睡眠質量下降。 事實上,當成年人從現實世界中轉移到文本和推文中時,他們可以看到發生在自己身上的同樣事情。 「分心育兒」一詞的發明是為了描述那些幾乎無法再專注於自己的孩子的父母,當然還達不到每天強制戒掉幾個小時電子設備的程度。當學校本身越來越多地使用筆電和 iPad 作為學習工具時,家長有何能耐呢? 小小的屏幕彷彿吞噬了整個世界。

Neuroscientists confirmed that electronic addiction was "rewiring" the human brain, depleting attention span and degrading the quality of sleep. In fact, as they withdrew from the physical world into their texts and their tweets, adults could see the same things happening to themselves. The term "distracted parenting" was invented to describe the parent who could barely focus on his or her children anymore, certainly not to the degree required to enforce a few hours of abstinence from devices a day. And what good could a parent do when the schools themselves increasingly use laptops and iPads as instruments of learning? The small screens seems to have swallowed the world.

Natural Causes by Barbara Ehrenreich

