


灰甲的治療方案取決於類型、牽涉指甲的數量和感染的嚴重程度。 口服治療通常受制於藥物相互作用和肝中毒的風險。如果不採用清創術,而只在灰甲表面使用抗真菌藥,則療效有限。 口服和甲面治療的結合通常是最佳選擇。

Treatment of onychomycosis depends on the clinical type, the number of involved nails and the severity of the infection. The disadvantages of therapies are that oral treatments are often limited by drug interactions and potential hepatotoxicity, while topical antifungals have a limited efficacy if used without nail plate debridement. A combination of both oral and systemic treatment is often the best choice.

Piraccini, B. M. (2015). Onychomycosis: A Review. Journal of Fungi, 1(1), 30-43. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof1010030

onychomycosis: a fungal disease of the nails

hepatotoxicity: a state of toxic damage to the liver

debridement: the usually surgical removal of lacerated, devitalized, or contaminated tissue

Dictionary used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

