

The letters from no one

trip: to catch the foot against something so as to stumble

stumble: to walk unsteadily or clumsily

parade: to cause to maneuver or march

maneuver: a military or naval movement

maroon: a dark red

knickerbockers: knickers: loose-fitting short pants gathered at the knee

knobbly: having very small knobs

gruffly (gruff): being deep and harsh

rags: clothes usually in poor or ragged condition

snap: to utter sharp biting words

utter: carried to the utmost point or highest degree

poke: hit, punch

twang: to throb or twitch with pain or tension

throb: to beat or vibrate rhythmically

twitch: to move jerkily

parchment: the skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on

emerald: a rich green variety of beryl prized as a gemstone

gemstone: a mineral or petrified material that when cut and polished can be used in jewelry

petrify: to convert (organic matter) into stone or a substance of stony hardness by the infiltration of water and the deposition of dissolved mineral matter

badger: any of various burrowing mammals

burrow: a hole or excavation in the ground made by an animal for shelter and habitation

chuckle: to laugh inwardly or quietly

rip: to tear or split apart or open

snort: to force air violently through the nose with a rough harsh sound

whelk: any of numerous large marine snails

snatch: to attempt to seize something suddenly

sneer: to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt

contort: to twist into or as if into a strained shape or expression

scorn: open dislike and disrespect or mockery often mixed with indignation

indignation: anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean

contempt: lack of respect or reverence for something

reverence: honor or respect felt or shown

glance: to take a quick look at something

porridge: a soft food made by boiling meal of grains or legumes in milk or water until thick

gasp: to catch the breath convulsively and audibly (as with shock)

grab: to take or seize by or as if by a sudden motion or grasp

grasp: to make the motion of seizing

clutch: to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly

furious: exhibiting or goaded by anger

goad: to incite or rouse as if with a goad

incite: to move to action

rouse: to arouse from or as if from sleep or repose

croak: to make a deep harsh sound

stuff: to fill by packing things in

scruff: the back of the neck

slam: to shut forcibly and noisily

mutter: to utter sounds or words indistinctly or with a low voice and with the lips partly closed

stamp out: to stop or destroy (something bad)

cine: motion picture

swap: to give in trade

bawl: to cry out loudly and unrestrainedly

whack: to strike with a smart or resounding blow

strangle: to choke to death by compressing the throat with something (such as a hand or rope)

wrestle: to contend by grappling with and striving to trip or throw an opponent down or off balance

wheeze: to breathe with difficulty usually with a whistling sound

creep: to move along with the body prone and close to the ground

tread: to step or walk on or over

squashy: softly wet

miserable: being in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness

nail: to fasten with or as if with a nail

hum: to utter a sound like that of the speech sound \m\ prolonged

tiptoe: the position of being balanced on the balls of the feet and toes with the heels raised

shred: a long narrow strip cut or torn off

marmalade: a clear sweetened jelly in which pieces of fruit and fruit rind are suspended

whiz: to hum, whir, or hiss like a speeding object (such as an arrow or ball) passing through air

moustache: the hair growing on the human upper lip

nightfall: the close of the day

outskirts: a part remote from the center : border — usually used in plural

musty: tasting of mold

sill: the horizontal member at the base of a window

stale: tasteless

cornflakes: toasted flakes made from the coarse meal of hulled corn for use as a breakfast cereal

timid: lacking in courage or self-confidence

snivel: to cry or whine with snuffling

gleeful: merry

amble: to go at or as if at an easy gait

wicked: dangerously aggressive

grin: a facial expression produced by grinning especially in pleasure or amusement

shrivel: to draw into wrinkles especially with a loss of moisture

splatter: to scatter or fall in or as if in drops

fierce: violently hostile or aggressive in temperament

rattle: to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises

ragged: roughly unkempt

unkempt: deficient in order or neatness

ferocious: exhibiting or given to extreme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality

rumble: to make a low heavy rolling sound

tick: the time taken by the tick of a clock

creak: to make a prolonged grating or squeaking sound often as a result of being worn-out

slap: to strike sharply with or as if with the open hand

crumble: to break into small pieces

shack: hut

