


音樂可以有力地喚起和調節情緒,以及心臟活動、血壓和呼吸的變化。 雖然之前關於音樂對心臟影響的研究在方法和質量上存在很大的差異,但是文獻中有以下發現:與平靜的音樂相比,激動人心的音樂會提昇心率和呼吸率。 在音樂震顫(涉及顫抖和立毛)期間,心率和呼吸率都有所增加。 與靜音相比,聆聽音樂下的心率和呼吸率有增加趨勢。與愉快的音樂相比,傾聽不愉快的音樂會讓心率降低。 我們沒有證據指出心率週期與音樂節拍有關。 與心率的增加相對應,聆聽激動人心的音樂(與安靜的音樂相比)會降低心率變異性(?)

Music can powerfully evoke (激起) and modulate (調節) emotions and moods, along with changes in heart activity, blood pressure (BP), and breathing. Although there is great heterogeneity [the quality or state of being heterogeneous] in methods and quality among previous studies on effects of music on the heart, the following findings emerge from (從…出現) the literature: Heart rate (HR) and respiratory rate (RR) are higher in response to exciting music compared with tranquilizing (平靜) music. During musical frissons 震顫 (involving shivers 顫抖 and piloerection 立毛), both HR and RR increase. Moreover, HR and RR tend to increase in response to music compared with silence, and HR appears to decrease in response to unpleasant music compared with pleasant music. We found no studies that would provide evidence for entrainment [entrain: determine or modify the phase or period of] of HR to musical beats. Corresponding to the increase in HR, listening to exciting music (compared with tranquilizing music) is associated with a reduction of heart rate variability 變化的傾向 (HRV)…

 Koelsch, S. & Ja¨ncke, L. (2015). Music and the heart. European Heart Journal, 36, 3043–3048. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehv430

