

Chemical bonding of hair

頭髮的形狀取決於它分子的形狀。 這些長角蛋白分子就像一個長長的彈簧,幾根“彈簧” 纏繞在一起,形成繩子狀。 纏繞是透過化學鏈。這些鏈通過二硫鍵的強化學鍵結合在一起,而單個分子的捲繞由較弱的氫鍵維持。 二硫鍵只能被熱破壞,但氫鍵受水分子影響,所以單個分子在潮濕時會暫時改變形狀。

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Image from utcinnovationlabs.blogspot.hk

The shape of your hair reflects the shape of the molecules of which it is made. These are long keratin molecules that resemble a long spring, with several 'springs' wrapped around each other like a twisted rope. The strands are held together by strong chemical bonds called disulphide bonds, while the coiling of the individual molecules is maintained by much weaker hydrogen bonds. The disulphide bonds can only be broken with heat, but hydrogen bonds are affected by water, so the individual molecules can change their shape temporarily when wet.

Modified form sciencefocus.com

