青少年常見的類似上癮的社群媒體使用 (addiction-like social media use, ASMU) 現象,與憂鬱和其他健康問題密切相關。本研究旨在探討大腦處理正向社交回饋的發展軌跡 (developmental trajectories of neural social feedback) 是否與後期青少年較高的ASMU水平有關。研究中,103名學生在6至9年級期間參加了1至3次功能性磁振造影 (fMRI) 掃描,期間完成了一個社交激勵延遲任務 (social incentive delay task);大約兩年後 (10至11年級) 他們又進行了關於ASMU和憂鬱症狀的自我報告評估。
ASMU對大腦對正面社交回饋反應 (positive social feedback) 的影響:特別是在青春期過程中觀察大腦反應的變化。
腹內側前額葉皮質(ventral media prefrontal cortex)
中前額葉皮質(medial prefrontal cortex)
後扣帶皮層(posterior cingulate cortex)
右下額回(right inferior frontal gyrus)
Translated, summarized and simplified by Microsoft Copilot
Addiction-like social media use (ASMU) is widely reported among adolescents and is associated with depression and other negative health outcomes. We aimed to identify developmental trajectories of neural social feedback processing that are linked to higher levels of ASMU in later adolescence. Within a longitudinal design, 103 adolescents completed a social incentive delay task during 1–3 fMRI scans (6–9th grade), and a 4th self-report assessment of ASMU and depressive symptoms ∼2 years later (10–11th grade). We assessed ASMU effects on brain responsivity to positive social feedback across puberty and relationships between brain responsivity development, ASMU symptoms, and depressive symptoms while considering gender effects. Findings demonstrate decreasing responsivity, across puberty, in the ventral media prefrontal cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, and right inferior frontal gyrus associated with higher ASMU symptoms over 2 years later. Significant moderated mediation models suggest that these pubertal decreases in brain responsivity are associated with increased ASMU symptoms which, among adolescent girls (but not boys), is in turn associated with increased depressive symptoms. Results suggest initial hyperresponsivity to positive social feedback, before puberty onset, and decreases in this response across development, may be risk factors for ASMU in later adolescence.
Flannery, J. (2024, February 9). Developmental changes in brain function linked with addiction-like social media use two years later | Social Cognitive and affective neuroscience | oxford academic. https://academic.oup.com/scan/article/19/1/nsae008/7604373