

the CATCHER in the RYE

Chapter 1

lousy: miserably poor or inferior

crap: feces

apiece: for each one

touchy: acutely sensitive or irritable

goddam: damn

madman: a man who is or acts as if insane

crumby: crummy: very poor or inferior

bucks: dollars

dough: money

terrific: extraordinary

D.B. Caulfield is the older brother of Holden and Phoebe.

hotshot: a person who is conspicuously talented or successful

polo: a game played by teams of players on horseback using mallets with long flexible handles to drive a wooden ball through goalposts

bash: to strike violently

grandstand: a usually roofed stand for spectators at a racecourse or stadium

scrawny: exceptionally thin and slight or meager in body or size

giggle: to laugh with repeated short catches of the breath

strike up: to cause to begin

falsies: a breast-shaped usually fabric or rubber cup used to pad a brassiere —usually plural

manure: material that fertilizes land

phony: not genuine or real

slob: a slovenly or boorish person

slovenly: untidy especially in personal appearance

boorish: resembling or befitting a rude or insensitive person

fencing: the art or practice of attack and defense with the foil, épée, or saber

épée: a fencing or dueling sword having a bowl-shaped guard and a rigid blade of triangular section with no cutting edge that tapers to a sharp point blunted for fencing

meet: the act of assembling for a hunt or for competitive sports

ostracize: to exclude from a group by common consent

good-by: goodbye

grippe: influenza

flunk: to fail especially in an examination or course

teat: nipple

crook: a person who engages in fraudulent or criminal practices

chuck: throw

stick: to push or thrust so as or as if to pierce

dorm: dormitory

Spencer is Holden's history teacher at Pencey. He's the first adult Holden talks to in the book, and Holden seems to hold both him in high regard.

Online Dictionary used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

