


為保持探測儀探頭清潔,應使用一次性膠套。 每次測量耳溫時,請使用新的探頭套。

To keep the probe clean, a disposable cover should be used. Use a new probe cover each time you take an ear temperature.

對於12個月以下的嬰兒,應拉下及拉後耳垂。 這將有助於將探頭放置在耳道中。 將探頭尖端居中放置在耳朵中,並向內向耳膜輕探入。

For babies younger than 12 months, pull the earlobe down and back. This will help place the probe in the ear canal. Center the probe tip in the ear and push gently inward toward the eardrum.

對於12個月以上的兒童和成人,向上和向後拉動耳垂。 將探頭尖端居中放置在耳朵中,並向內向耳膜輕輕探入。

For children older than 12 months and for adults, pull the earlobe up and back. Center the probe tip in the ear and push gently inward toward the eardrum.

Singh, S. (2009). Fundamentals of Nursing. GenNext Publication.

