

請留意 7:05 以及 20:09

型號「8210/8110」及「9210」則屬於工業用口罩,主要用於阻隔塵埃,雖然亦經過 NIOSH 認證,但沒有FDA認可,未必能有效阻隔飛沫。

香港經濟日報. (2020, January 23). 【武漢肺炎】非每款N95口罩能阻隔飛沫病毒 3M防疫口罩大不同. https://topick.hket.com/article/2549572/【武漢肺炎】非每款N95口罩能阻隔飛沫病毒%E3%80%803M防疫口罩大不同

3M™ Particulate Respirator 8210, N95 is a disposable particulate respirator that is designed to help provide reliable respiratory protection of at least 95 percent filtration efficiency against certain non-oil based particles. This respirator is designed for use for particles such as those from grinding, sanding, sweeping, sawing, bagging, or other dusty operations. This respirator can also help reduce inhalation exposures to certain airborne biological particles (examples: mold, Bacillus anthracis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis), but cannot eliminate the risk of contracting (感染) infection, illness, or disease.

Source: https://www.3m.com.hk/3M/en_HK/company-hk/all-3m-products/~/3M-Particulate-Respirator-8210-N95-160-Case/?N=5002385+3294395075&rt=rud

