

Comparison of energy drink

Coca-Cola Energy contains caffeine from naturally-derived sources, guarana extracts and B vitamins, and completely taurine-free.

Celsius is not recommended for people sensitive to caffeine, children under the age of 18, or women who are pregnant or nursing.

Taurine in Red Bull is produced synthetically by pharmaceutical companies, which guarantees highest quality standards.

Monster ingredients are not listed on the official website.

Taurine: According to the Mayo Clinic, taurine is an amino acid that's naturally found in a number of foods. It plays an important role in many of the metabolic processes but little is known regarding the effects of long-term supplemental use.

Guarana Extract: According to an April 2015 study published in Public Library of Science One, guarana is a plant native to the Amazon. The seeds contain about four times the natural caffeine in coffee beans, and when combined with caffeine from other sources, guarana provides additional stimulation.


