

Quantitative research II

Research question

Structured data collection methods
Structured self-report
Structured observation
Biophysiologic measure

Closed-ended questions
Dichotomous questions
Multiple-choice questions
Cafeteria questions
- Ask respondents to select a statement best representing their view
Rank-order questions
Forced-choice questions
- Respondents choose between two alternative statements that represent polar positions or characteristics

Scaling technique
Likert scale
- Response choices commonly address agreement (strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree), evaluation (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, poor), frequency (almost never, occasionally, usually, almost always)
Semantic differential scale
- Respondents rate a concept on a series of bipolar adjectives
- Higher score usually represents positively worded adjective
Visual analogue scale
- Used to measure subjective experiences (e.g. pain, stress, anxiety)

Social desirability bias
- Tendency of respondents to give an answer that are congruent with prevailing social norm desirability

Extreme response bias
- A tendency to consistently express attitudes or feelings in extreme response alternatives / middle-range alternatives, which might not really reflect the actual intensity

Acquiescence response set bias
- A tendency to agree or disagree with all statements, regardless of the content

Biophysiologic measures
- in vivo measures (within or on living organisms)
- in vitro measures (involves extracting physiologic material from subject and submitting it for laboratory analysis)

