

bottle feeding

- perform hand hygiene; gather all necessary and appropriate equipment
- arrange a chair for feeding and wrap the baby with shawl (a piece of fabric worn by women over the shoulders or head or wrapped around a baby) to keep warm

- (pour milk powder and warm water into the bottle)
- assemble the teat (嬰兒奶瓶上的橡皮奶頭) onto the bottle without contamination; use a pair of forceps if needed
- test the milk temperature on the inner aspect of wrist before feeding the baby
- sit in a comfortable chair and to cuddle (hug) baby securely with baby's head slightly upward before feeding
- place small towel under the baby's chin and touch the corner of the mouth with teat to allow rooting of the infant for the teat
- place teat on top of the tongue
- tilt the bottle at an angle to keep the teat and the neck of the bottle full of the milk
- burp (noisily release air from the stomach through the mouth) the infant halfway through with the infant in sitting position and after feeding
- clean off dribbled milk around baby's mouth, chin
- check diaper and placing the baby back in crib (嬰兒床) in lateral position

(change napkin before feeding?)

