

baby bathing

- perform hand hygiene, gather all necessary and appropriate equipment
- prepare basin with water and check the water temperature (around 38 degree of celsius) with elbow or liquid crystal thermometer

- remove baby's clothing except diaper, cover baby with towel/blanket
- with football hold position, wash the infant's head in circular motion using shampoo and rinse
- dry hair and remove diaper
- immerse the infant in the tub of water, hold infant securely with one hand positioned behind neck and upper back (suppose BB head 在左邊,left wrist behind the neck), grasping the opposite upper arm (左手夾實BB左上臂近shoulder); wash infant's body with the other hand
- change hand to well support the infant before lean the infant forward to wash the back (雙手夾住BB,即右手按心口,然後將BB翻轉,即俯臥而BB頭向右邊,洗背時右手support chin)
- carefully remove infant from water, with one hand supporting head and neck of the baby and the other hand supporting buttocks and legs.
- pad dry and dress up with diaper and gown,, wrap with blanket

assess for general condition of infant during and after bathing

