

the Catcher in the Rye Ch.22

ostracize: to exclude from a group by common consent

ranch: a large farm for raising horses, beef cattle, or sheep

snotty: annoyingly or spitefully unpleasant

pinch: squeeze

dopey: dulled by alcohol or a narcotic

fraternity: a group of people associated or formally organized for a common purpose, interest, or pleasure

stinking: lousy

incognito: with one's identity concealed

chuckle: to laugh inwardly or quietly

puke: vomit

smack: to close and open (lips) noisily and often in rapid succession especially in eating

cockeyed: turned or tilted to one side

rim: the outer often curved or circular edge or border of something

conceited: having or showing an excessively high opinion of oneself

squeal: to make a shrill cry or noise

turtleneck: a high close-fitting turnover collar used especially for sweaters

hotshot: a talented or successful person who often has a showy or flashy manner

slap: to strike sharply with or as if with the open hand

belch: to expel gas suddenly from the stomach through the mouth

Online Dictionary Used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

