

the Catcher in the Rye Ch.21

smack: boastful or insulting language especially between opponents

limp: to walk with an uneven and usually slow movement or gait

crook: a person who engages in fraudulent or criminal practices

foyer: an anteroom or lobby especially of a theater

cauliflower: a garden plant (Brassica oleracea botrytis) related to the cabbage and grown for its compact edible head of usually white undeveloped flowers

rattle: to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises

bloodhound: any of a breed of large powerful hounds of European origin remarkable for acuteness of smell

Siberia: vast region of northern Asia chiefly in Russia extending from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean and from the Arctic Ocean into northern Kazakhstan and to the borders of China and Mongolia; roughly coextensive with Russia in Asia

ought to: used to express obligation

obligation: something (such as a formal contract, a promise, or the demands of conscience or custom) that obligates one to a course of action

slob: a slovenly or boorish person

slovenly: untidy especially in personal appearance

boorish: resembling or befitting a rude or insensitive person

blouse: a long loose overgarment that resembles a shirt or smock and is worn especially by workmen, artists, and peasants

loafer: a low step-in shoe

arithmetic: a branch of mathematics that deals usually with the nonnegative real numbers including sometimes the transfinite cardinals and with the application of the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to them

speller: a book with exercises for teaching spelling

barge: to thrust oneself heedlessly or unceremoniously

heedlessly: thoughtless

unceremonious: abrupt

pageant: show, especially an elaborate colorful exhibition or spectacle often with music that consists of a series of tableaux, of a loosely unified drama, or of a procession usually with floats

betray: to deliver to an enemy by treachery

treachery: violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence

cripple: (offensive) a lame or partly disabled person or animal

mercy killing: euthanasia

grippe: an acute febrile contagious virus disease

hunk: a large lump, piece, or portion

kick out: to dismiss or eject forcefully or summarily

ranch: a large farm for raising horses, beef cattle, or sheep

Online Dictionary Used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

