


儘管合成維生素 C 和食品來源的維生素 C 的化學性質相同,但水果和蔬菜含多種豐富營養素和植物化學物質,可能會影響其生物利用度。

Although synthetic and food-derived vitamin C is chemically identical, fruit and vegetables are rich in numerous nutrients and phytochemicals which may influence its bioavailability.

所有人體生物利用度研究均表明,無論受試者群體、研究設計或介入如何,合成維生素 C 和天然維生素 C 之間沒有差異。

All steady state comparative bioavailability studies in humans have shown no differences between synthetic and natural vitamin C, regardless of the subject population, study design or intervention used.

Carr, A. C., & Vissers, M. C. M. (2013, October 28). Synthetic or food-derived vitamin C-are they equally bioavailable?. MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/5/11/4284

Phytochemical: a chemical compound occurring naturally in plants.

Bioavailability: the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into a living system or is made available at the site of physiological activity.

Online Dictionary Used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

