

The Catcher in the Rye - Ch.2

heck: hell

stoop: to bend the body or a part of the body forward and downward sometimes simultaneously bending the knees

awful: extremely disagreeable or objectionable

beat-up: dilapidated

dilapidated: decayed, deteriorated, or fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse

Navajo: a member of an American Indian people of northern New Mexico and Arizona

ratty: irritable

bathrobe: a loose often absorbent robe worn before and after bathing or as a dressing gown

on account of: because of

grippe: an acute febrile contagious virus disease

chuckle: to laugh inwardly or quietly

hotshot: a person who is conspicuously talented or successful

lousy: miserably poor or inferior

pinch: to squeeze between the finger and thumb

pick his nose: to use his finger to remove mucus from inside his nose

phony: intended to deceive or mislead

deceive: to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid

puke: vomit

tack: a small short sharp-pointed nail usually having a broad flat head

chuck: throw

flunk: to fail especially in an examination or course

glance: to take a quick look at something

sarcastic: having the character of sarcasm

sarcasm: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain

chiffonier: a high narrow chest of drawers

turd: a piece of fecal matter

continent: mainland

crap: usually vulgar : feces

vulgar: offensive in language

rot: to undergo decomposition from the action of bacteria or fungi

riddle: something difficult to understand

firecracker: a usually paper cylinder containing an explosive and a fuse and set off to make a noise

moron: a foolish or stupid person

lagoon: a shallow sound, channel, or pond near or communicating with a larger body of water

shoot the bull: to talk informally about unimportant things

corny: mawkishly old-fashioned : tiresomely simple and sentimental

sentimental: resulting from feeling rather than reason or thought

qualm: a feeling of uneasiness about a point especially of conscience or propriety

conscience: the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good

obligation: commitment

propriety: appropriateness

Online Dictionary used: www.merriam-webster.com

