

Lab-grown diamonds are more environmentally friendly

長期以來,鑽石一直被視為女孩最好的朋友。 但它們從地下的開採破壞了我們與環境的關係。 開採一顆一克拉的鑽石可能意味著要去除數百噸的泥土,這個過程會消耗大量的淡水和化石燃料,還會產生其他副作用,包括森林砍伐和河流污染。

Diamonds have long been marketed as a girl's best friend. But their extraction from the ground has damaged our relationship with the environment. Extracting a single one carat diamond can mean the removal of hundreds of tonnes of earth, a process that consumes vast amounts of fresh water and fossil fuels, and has other side effects include deforestation and river pollution.


Lab-grown diamonds are generally less expensive than natural diamonds of comparable size and quality. They are also considered more ethical because they do not involve mining or human rights issues associated with diamond mining.

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