

Kamakura Shoguns

shogun: one of a line of military governors ruling Japan until the revolution of 1867–68

legitimate: lawfully begotten

confer: to bestow from or as if from a position of superiority

bestow: apply

Kublai Khan: the founder of the Yuan dynasty of China

envoy: a minister plenipotentiary accredited to a foreign government who ranks between an ambassador and a minister resident

submission: an act of submitting to the authority or control of another

repulse: to drive or beat back

conquer: to gain or acquire by force of arms

assertive: disposed to or characterized by bold or confident statements and behavior

coup: disposed to or characterized by bold or confident statements and behavior

exile: to banish or expel from one's own country or home

topple: to fall from or as if from being top-heavy

usher: to conduct to a place

Life in Heian-kyo

exclusive: limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group

insular: characteristic of an isolated people

execution: performance

hover: to move to and fro near a place : fluctuate around a given point

artisan: a worker who practices a trade or handicraft

pluck: to pull or pick off or out

dusky: somewhat dark in color

striking: attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous qualities

geomancy: divination by means of figures or lines or geographic features

divination: the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers

astrology: the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects

regiment: to organize rigidly especially for the sake of regulation or control

observance: a customary practice, rite, or ceremony

The World of the Shining Prince, Ivan Morris's widely acclaimed portrait of the ceremonious, inbred, melancholy world of ancient Japan, has been a standard in cultural studies for nearly thirty years.

melancholy: epression of spirits

evocative: evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response

ruffian: a brutal person

brutal: cold-blooded

outskirt: border

subsistence: the minimum (as of food and shelter) necessary to support life

Online dictionary used: https://www.merriam-webster.com

