


A message from the President and Vice-Chancellor on behalf of the Senior Management Team

Dear colleagues, students, alumni and friends,

We are all very concerned about the events that took place before, during and after the Council meeting yesterday on campus.

We cannot condone (容忍) the invasion of the Council chamber which prevented the Council from completing its rightful business. Council includes two elected student representatives and we implore (懇求) the students to express their concerns via these members so that discussions can take place in a calm and rational manner. The lack of respect for confidentiality which characterises HKU Council's discussions and decisions remains a serious concern for us.

We deplore (強烈譴責) violence by any party. We are still working to establish the facts about the various events on HKU campus last night and will not comment specifically on any follow-up actions until those facts are clear. As always, our primary concern is for the safety and security of all members of the University and of the general public: our Risk Assessment Team planned accordingly and we believe that HKU staff behaved professionally and reasonably throughout. It is regrettable that the police had to come onto campus, but ambulances were being barred from moving, which could have had serious consequences for the injured.

Prior to the Council meeting, outside parties were reportedly provoking (刺激的) HKU members and deliberately inciting (煽動) confrontations. Measures will be taken to ensure that the campus remains a safe place where routine academic activities can be conducted without harassment or intimidation (恐嚇).

The University will always respect and safeguard freedom of expression, but we must also strike a balance and do our best to guarantee the safety and well-being of all HKU members.

As we have repeatedly stated, all adults must take responsibility for their own actions.

Professor Peter Mathieson

President and Vice-Chancellor







-         設立副校長(學術人力資源)一職的背景,其職能和職責
-         物色大學高層管理人員的既定程序
-         校委會在6月會議上的決定及其含義


        副校長(學術人力資源)一職乃重設前副校長 (人力資源)五年多前離任後所懸空的職位。當時的校長認爲,設立了行政副校長一職後,可減輕首席副校長的工作, 因此或無需填補副校長(人力資源)一職。

        校委會屬下的人力資源政策委員會於2013 9月的會議,在審視大學管理層情況下,認爲需重設於同年6月會議中提出的「副校長」一職協助首席副校長,並提交文件建議其具體職務範圍需由首席副校長決定。

        校委會在20141月接納建議,並決定將該職位的職銜改為副校長 (學術人力資源),以「協助首席副校長處理學術事宜」。 (詳見2014128日的會議記錄)






















Degrees of freedom refer to the number of observations in a sample that are "free to vary". Every observation increases degrees of freedom by one, but every coefficient the model estimates (including the constant) decreases the degrees of freedom by one.

Add a regression line

     Chart Builder
          Gallery: Scatter/Dot
               Drag the Simple Scatter chart to the Chart preview
                Drag xxx from the variable list to the "X-axis" box
                Drag yyy from the variable list to the "Y-axis" box

Chart Editor

     Fit Line at Total

(multiple regression)
     Reference Line from Equation
          Reference Line: Custom Equation: k + (bx)
Close the Chart Editor

R square

The R-square statistic measures the regression model's usefulness in predicting outcomes --- indicating how much of the dependent variable's variation is due to its relationship with the independent variable(s).

Interpretation (p-value difference)

The coefficients will test the unique effect of each independent variables to the model, and the F-test will test the join effects of all the variables together.

B or slope

The unstandardized coefficient of an independent variable (also called B or slope) measures the strength of its relationship with the dependent variable. It is interpreted as the size of the average difference in the dependent variable that corresponds with a one-unit difference in the independent variable.

Linear regression

  1. In statistics, linear regression is an approach for modeling the relationship between a scalar dependent variable y and one or more explanatory variables (or independent variable) denoted X. The case of one explanatory variable is called simple linear regression.
  2. (source: google)
  3. Analyze
  4.      Regression
  5.           Linear
  6.                Dependent: xxx
  7.                Independent: yyy
  8.               OK

collective effects

One of the great benefits of regression analysis is its ability to document collective effects --- the interplay among factors on predicted outcomes...They also can measure the amount of variation in the dependent variable that can be attributed to the variables in the model, and conversely, how much of the variation is left unexplained.


Typing exercise

明報 社評 筆陣

社評︰日本告別和平國家道路 中國應以實際行動反制















Japan's (self) defence forces
16 July 2015

The impassioned debate surrounding Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's desire to give Japan's defence forces a wider role obscures the fact that the country is already a significant military player. It has well-equipped air, sea and land forces with ambitious modernisation plans under way.

The defeat of Japanese militarism in World War Two and the experience of suffering the world's only atomic bomb attacks left the country with a deep vein of pacifism.

But Japan's strategic geography - proximity to both the then-Soviet Union and China - meant that it ultimately needed to deploy its own basic defence forces. Their role though was heavily circumscribed and Japan avoided all foreign military entanglements.

Some 70 years later, the picture has changed dramatically. The Cold War may be over and the Soviet Union no more but now a rising China is driving security concerns in the region.

Japan remains the United States' key ally in the region. And with the scale and reach of China's military growing significantly, Japan has been modernising its own forces.

Chinese driver

Its army of some 150.000 troops is small (but still larger than that of Britain, one of Nato's middle-ranking players whose forces stand at some 84,000).

It has an impressive navy including a small helicopter carrier, two Aegis-equipped cruisers with sophisticated radars and battle management systems, and some 34 destroyers and nine frigates of various types. It also has some 80 anti-submarine warfare or maritime patrol aircraft.

Given the potential threat from North Korea's missile arsenal, Japan has a growing interest in ballistic missile defence.

The country hosts two highly sophisticated US radars to track such weapons. It currently has four destroyers capable of shooting down ballistic missiles along with land-based PAC-3 missile interceptors. More are planned.

But above all it is China's widening security horizons that are driving Japan's military modernisation.

This year, Japan's Maritime Self-Defence Force commissioned its largest vessel yet - a new helicopter carrier - the JS Izumo. This could potentially embark a number of V- 22 Osprey vertical lift aircraft - and Japan is thought to be interested in buying up to 17 of them from the United States.

More Aegis anti-missile warships are planned and brand new, Japanese-built maritime patrol aircraft are coming into service.

Foreign exercises

Over the years, Japan has also widened its sphere of international military activities.It's been a slow process with the country dipping its toes slowly into the field of foreign entanglements.

But Japanese warships have participated in international anti-piracy operations off the Horn of Africa and Japanese maritime patrol aircraft have supported this mission from Djibouti.

Japan has also slowly begun to take part in military exercises further from its shores. In July 2014, it participated for the third time in joint US-indian naval manoeuvres and a small contingent of Japanese troops is currently involved in the joint US-Australian Talisman sabre exercise.

So in many ways the sorts of reforms being pushed by Prime Minister Abe have already been under way - little by little - for many years.

Nonetheless, making the changes explicit raises strong passions among the Japanese public, and any perceived revival of Japan as a military player prompts strong reactions from those who have suffered from its military expansionism in the past - notably China.

What is collective self-defence?

Japan's post-World War Two constitution bars it from using force to resolve conflicts except in cases of self-defence.

Mr Abe's government has pushed for a change that would revise the laws such that Japan's military would be able to mobilise overseas when these three conditions are met

  • when Japan is attacked, or when a close ally is attacked, and the result threatens Japan's survival and poses a clear danger to people
  • when there is no other appropriate means available to repel the attack and ensure Japan's survival and protect its people
  • use of force is restricted to a necessary minimum
Some strategists might say that the military distinction between self-defence and a more expansive regional military role is redundant.

In the maritime sector, defence must be forward - beginning far from a country's own shores. Japan's defence depends fundamentally upon its close alliance with the United States and thus it makes sense for Japan's armed forces to operate according to similar concepts and strategic parameters.

This though is to overlook the huge weight of history in the region - a burden made even heavier by suspicions among some countries that Japan has not really fully come to terms with its aggressive past.

Whatever the statements of some more conservative Japanese politicians, the anguished debate over the country's changing posture would suggest that many ordinary Japanese are all too well aware of their history which makes Mr Abe's path a bumpy one to say the least.


paired-samples t test

     Compare means
          Paired-Samples T test
               Paired Variables: xxx

t value and sig.(2 tailed)

A t value close to 0 indicates that the two means are very similar and will result in a large significance value.

T tests

A t test is a special case of analysis of variance that compares the means of only two categories. There are two types --- an independent samples t test and a paired samples t test.

Equal variance assumption

A rule of thumb is that the ratio of the largest variance to the smallest group variance should be no larger than 9.

Simple Maths

The average of the squared differences from the Mean.
Standard deviation is the square root of the Variance.


Histogram (normality assumption)

     Chart Builder
          Gallery: Histogram
                Drag Simple Histogram to the Chart Preview
           Groups/Point ID: Columns Panel Variable
           Element Properties: Display normal curve
            Drag xxx from "Variables" list to "X-axis?" box
            Drag yyy from "Variables" list to "Panel" box

Assumptions of ANOVA

ANOVA assumes the samples are independent, and each group's distribution is normal with the same standard deviation.

Post-hoc Tests

  1. Because post hoc tests are run to confirm where the differences occurred between groups, they should only be run when you have a shown an overall significant difference in group means (i.e., a significant one-way ANOVA result).
  2. (source: google)
  3. Analyze
         Compare Means
              One-way ANOVA
                   Dependent List: xxx
                   Factor: yyy
                        Statistics: Descriptive
  4.                Post-hoc: Equal Variances Assumed: Tukey
  5.                     Continue
  6.                OK

One-way analysis of variance

     Compare Means
          One-way ANOVA
               Dependent List: xxx
               Factor: yyy
                    Statistics: Descriptive


Point ID added

     Chart Builder
          Gallery: Scatter/Dot
               Drag the Simple Scatter chart to the Chart preview
                Drag xxx from the variable list to the "X-axis" box
                Drag yyy from the variable list to the "Y-axis" box
          Groups/Point ID: check Point ID label
               Drag zzz from the Variables list to the new Point ID box in the Chart Preview

Scatterplots by SPSS

In these graphs, the independent variable is usually placed on X axis and the dependent variable is placed on the Y axis.

     Chart Builder
          Gallery: Scatter/Dot
               Drag the Simple Scatter chart to the Chart preview
                Drag xxx from the variable list to the "X-axis" box
                Drag yyy from the variable list to the "Y-axis" box

concept of correlation

A correlation does not mean that one variable causes the change in the other variable to occur, only that their values are associated.

Sigma notation


Pearson's correlation coefficient

               Variables: xxx
               Correlation Coefficients: Pearson
                Tests of Significance: Two Tailed

example of inverted U-shaped relationship (correlations)

Relationship between test anxiety and test performance is an inverted U.
People whose anxiety is very low (mentally sleepy) or very high (overwrought with anxiety) perform worse than those whose anxiety is moderate (alert and sharp).

Stacked bar chart for bivariate analysis (2 categorical variables)

     Chart Builder
          Gallery: Bar
               Drag the stacked bar chart up to the Chart preview
               Drag xxx from the Variable list to the "X-Axis" box
               Drag yyy from the Variable list to the "Stack: set color" box
     Elements Properties dialog
          Statistics: Percentage ()
          Set Parameters
               Total for Each X-Axis Category

Chi-square test for two categorical variables

Chi-square test = sum of relative differences between the observed and expected frequencies

     Descriptive Statistics
               Rows: xxx
               Columns: xxx
                    Counts: Observed
                    Percentages: Column

percentages added

     Descriptive Statistics
               Rows: xxx
               Columns: xxx
                    Counts: Observed
                    Percentages: Column

Cross tabulations

     Descriptive Statistics
               Rows: xxx
               Columns: xxx

significance level

  1. The null hypothesis is rejected if the p-value is less than the significance or α level. The α level is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis given that it is true (type I error) and is most often set at 0.05 (5%).
  2. (source:google)

Bivariate analysis

Cross tabulations measure the association between two categorical variables (such as ethnicity and religion).

Correlations measure the association between two scale variables (such as income and age).


Basic Excel command

SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])



Alpha Coefficient

The Alpha score can range between 0 and 1, with higher numbers indicating higher reliability. As a rule of thumb, an Alpha score of .70 or higher on an index of four or more indicators indicates reasonably good reliability.

          Reliability Analysis
               Items = XXX


It designates that the average is based on three or more valid responses (6 questions)

note within syntax file

To insert a note within an SPSS syntax file, use the asterisk (*) character at the beginning and end of the note and separate the note with at least one blank line from the next command within the syntax file.

syntax files instead of the dialog windows

First, syntax files keep records of how variables were computed and how analyses were performed. Consequently, a researcher can perform extensive analyses and use the syntax files to track data manipulations through the course of the project.

Second, syntax files perform repetitious tasks quickly. For example, you can block, move, and copy portions of syntax files just as in word processing programs.


An index is a single score that summarizes responses to two or more variables.

Syntax files

Syntax files contain procedures written in the SPSS command language that, when submitted, cause the SPSS processor or perform statistical operations. Syntax files are an alternative, as well as a supplement, to the dialog windows.


Compute Variable

     Compute Variable...
          Target Variable = XXX
          Numeric Expression = "equation"
          Type & Label
               Label: XXX

Swaying the result

     Recode Into Different Variables
          Numeric Variable: CRC86
          Output Variable Name: EXECUTE2
          Output Variable Label: Number of Executions 1930 to 2008, Texas Recoded Missing
          Old and New Values
               Old Value: Range, value HIGHEST: 0
               New Value: Copy old values
               Old Value: System- or User-missing
     Recode Into Same Variables
          Variables: EXECUTE2
          Include if case satisfies condition:
    Old and New Values
         Old Values: Range, value through HIGHEST: 0
         New Value: System-missing

Compare data

          Case Summaries
               Variables: XXX

Constructing Variables 1

     Recode Into Different Variables
          Numeric Variable: XXX
          Output Variable Name: XXX
          Output Variable Label: XXX

(e.g. State Had One or More Executions 1930 to 2008)
Old and New Values
     Old Value: 0
     New Value: 0

     Old Value: Range, value through HIGHEST: 1
     New Value: Value: 1

     Old Value: System- or user-Missing
     New Value: System-missing

Transform...Recode Into Different Variables

SPSS offers two choices under the recode command: Into Same Variable and Into Different Variables. The command Into Same Variable replaces existing data with new values, but the command Into Different Variables adds a new variable to the data set. In almost every situation, we suggest selecting Into Different Variables. Because recoding Into Same Variables replaces the values in the existing variable, it will irrevocably alter a data set, threatening your access to the original data. For these reasons, it is best to not recode over an an existing variable unless you are absolutely confident that the lost information will never be needed.


Beetle likes The Beatles

Illustrating a list

          Case Summaries
               Variables: XXX

Demonstrating histogram

     Chart Builder
          Gallery: Histogram
               Drag the first histogram to the Chart preview.
               Drag XXX from the Variable list to the "X-axis" box.
          Element Properties
               Check Display Normal Curve

Demonstrating Box Plot Diagram

     Descriptive Statistics
               Display: Both
               Dependent List: XXX

Showing median

     Descriptive Statistics
               Dependent List: XXX

Showing mean

     Descriptive Statistics
               Variable: XXX

Bimodal distribution

It is also symmetric, but the highest frequencies are at both ends, with few cases in the middle. Daytime traffic accidents fit this pattern, with most accidents occurring in the early mornings and late afternoons during the commute to and from work.

Chart Editor

To access the Chart Editor, double click on the histogram in the Output window. This opens the SPSS Chart Editor window. You will observe new options next to the graph, which allow you to change titles, axis labels, axis scales, etc.


A histogram is a graphic summary of the distribution of a scale variable. In a histogram, classes of values are listed along the horizontal axis. The height of the bar above each class indicates the number of cases with values in that class.