

The Keeper of the Keys

Jerk: to give a quick suddenly arrested push, pull, or twist to

Smash: a hard overhand stroke

Overhand: made with the hand brought forward and down from above shoulder level

Hinge: a jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging part turns

Deafening: very loud

Shaggy: covered with or consisting of long, coarse, or matted hair

Matted: a piece of coarse, woven, plaited, or felted fabric used especially as a floor covering or a support

Mane: long heavy hair on a person's head

Tangled: exceedingly complex

Beard: the hair that grows on a man's face often excluding the mustache

Mustache: the hair growing on the human upper lip

Glinting: of rays of light

Stoop: to bend the body or a part of the body forward and downward sometimes simultaneously bending the knees

Strode: past tense of stride

Stride: to move with or as if with long steps

Budge up: to move in order to make space for someone, especially when sitting

Come on, you great lump: get up from that sofa and do some work

Squeak: to utter or make a short shrill cry or noise

Crouch: to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs

Fierce: violently hostile or aggressive in temperament

Temperament: characteristic or habitual inclination or mode of emotional response

Crinkle: to form many short bends or ripples

Rasp: to utter in a raspy tone

Trodden: past participle of tread

Tread on (someone's) toes: to do something that upsets or offends (someone)

Tremble: to shake involuntarily (as with fear or cold)

Icing: a sweet flavored usually creamy mixture used to coat baked goods

Grate: a barred frame for cooking over a fire

Shrivel: to draw into wrinkles especially with a loss of moisture

Crisp: easily crumbled

Crumble: to break into small pieces

Packet: a small bundle or parcel

Snort: to force air violently through the nose with a rough harsh sound

Roaring: great in intensity or degree

Flickering: moving or shining irregularly or unsteadily

Sag: to droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness

Squashy: softly wet

Swig: a quantity drunk at one time

Sizzling: to burn up or sear with or as if with a hissing sound

Poker: a metal rod for stirring a fire

Fidget: to move or act restlessly or nervously

Chuckle: to laugh inwardly or quietly

Pudding: blood sausage

Gulp: to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one swallow

Cower: to shrink away or crouch especially for shelter from something that menaces, domineers, or dismays

Growl: to utter a growl

Quail: to recoil in dread or terror

Dread: to fear greatly

Furious: exhibiting or goaded by anger

Rage: violent and uncontrolled anger

Ashen: of, relating to, or made from ash wood

Grunt: the deep short sound characteristic of a hog

Hog: any of various animals related to the domesticated swine

Swore: past tense of swear

Shriek: to cry out in a high-pitched voice

Dratted: damn

Spawn: the eggs of aquatic animals (such as fishes or oysters) that lay many small eggs

Freak: a sudden and odd or seemingly pointless idea or turn of the mind

Rant: to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner

Scuttle: a short swift run

Outrage: an act of violence or brutality

Gargoyle: a person with an ugly face

Blimey: gorblimey

Gorblimey: used to express amazement, surprise, or perplexity

Shudder: to tremble convulsively

Foghorn: a horn (as on a ship) sounded in a fog to give warning

Curse: a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one

Ruin: to damage irreparably

Reparable: capable of being repaired

Tosh: foolish talk or activity

Glare: to stare angrily or fiercely

Clench: to hold fast

Weirdo: a person who is extraordinarily strange or eccentric

Eccentric: deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways

Wizard: one skilled in magic

Battered: damaged or worn down by hard use

Spear: a thrusting or throwing weapon with long shaft and sharp head or blade

Codswallop: words or ideas that are foolish or untrue

Trance: a sleeplike state (as of deep hypnosis) usually characterized by partly suspended animation with diminished or absent sensory and motor activity

Reckon: estimate

Stump: challenge

Blazing: burning very brightly and intensely

Clout: to hit forcefully

Toad: any of numerous anuran amphibians (especially family Bufonidae) that are distinguished from the related frogs by being more terrestrial in habit though returning to water to lay their eggs, by having a build that is squatter and shorter with weaker and shorter hind limbs, and by having skin that is rough, dry, and warty rather than smooth and moist

Sorcerer: wizard

Revenge: an act or instance of retaliating in order to get even

Retaliate: to return like for like

Boa: any of a family (Boidae) of large snakes that kill by constriction and that includes the boa constrictor, anaconda, and python

Beam: to smile with joy

Give in: surrender

Hiss: to make a sharp sibilant sound

Wand: a slender rod used by conjurers and magicians

Growl: to complain angrily

Crackpot: one given to eccentric or lunatic notions

Lunatic: insane

Squeal: to make a shrill cry or noise

Clasp: embrace

Howl: to emit a loud sustained doleful sound characteristic of members of the dog family

Slam: to shut forcibly and noisily

Rueful: exciting pity or sympathy

Eyebrow: the ridge over the eye or the hair growing usually in a line or arch on the skin over it

Eyelid: either of the movable folds of skin and muscle that can be closed over the eyeball

Eyelashes: the fringe of hair edging the eyelid — usually used in plural

Grateful: appreciative of benefits received

Gamekeeper: a person in charge of the breeding and protection of game animals or birds on a private preserve

Kip: sleep

Wriggle: to move the body or a bodily part to and fro with short writhing motions like a worm

Dormouse: any of numerous small, nocturnal, furry-tailed Old World rodents (family Myoxidae synonym Gliridae) that live mainly in trees and resemble small squirrels




盧吉 (Frederick Lugard) 1907 to 1912
梅含理 (Sir Francis Henry May) 1912 to 1918
金文泰 (Sir Cecil Clementi) 1925 to 1930

夏喬士·羅便臣 (Hercules George Robert Robinson)
麥當奴 (Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell)
卜公 (Sir Henry Arthur Blake)








Hausfrau (German)

好斯服勞 - 家庭主婦



1841年,英國皇家海軍登陸香港後,港英殖民政府委任威廉 .堅上尉(Captain William Caine)為香港首席裁判司主理治安,並於荷李活道設置裁判署。最初,裁判署還只是個草棚,日後則成了前中區警署建築群,是香港早期的司法重地。

Information: http://www.discoverhongkong.com/



剛才在誠哥間 Watsons Health 買了兩包共十片 Cancare 加護TM三吋乘三吋 sterile gauze pad (消毒紗墊),合共花費 HKD 16。將紗布展開,變成六吋乘三吋兩層厚度,放在口罩與面部之間。上班午飯後移除紗布就最適合。然而,還有一個問題未解決,暫時除口罩喝水要很小心。





梅堂 (May Hall)、盧吉堂 (Lugard Hall) 及儀禮堂 (Eliot Hall) 合稱「明原堂」(Old Halls)。


In 1992, the oldest building, Lugard Hall, was demolished to make way for campus redevelopment. Eliot Hall and May Hall were converted into offices and classrooms for teaching and research purposes.



The cathedral (教區總教堂) is a much larger place of worship than a church and is run by a bishop (主教). A church is run by a group of clergymen (男神職人員) or priests (祭司). The bishop usually resides on the cathedral premises (房屋建築及附屬場地).













Bacteria and viruses in permafrost




Climate change is melting permafrost soils that have been frozen for thousands of years, and as the soils melt they are releasing ancient viruses and bacteria that, having lain dormant, are springing back to life.

"Permafrost is a very good preserver of microbes and viruses, because it is cold, there is no oxygen, and it is dark," says evolutionary biologist Jean-Michel Claverie at Aix-Marseille University in France. "Pathogenic viruses that can infect humans or animals might be preserved in old permafrost layers, including some that have caused global epidemics in the past."

In a 2005 study, NASA scientists successfully revived bacteria that had been encased in a frozen pond in Alaska for 32,000 years.




But while the overall number of cases continues to rise, the latest figures released by the Chinese National Health Commission show the number of new daily confirmed cases has begun to decline from a peak on 5 February.

Epidemics can slow down and then accelerate again, infectious disease experts say.










Lo Hoi-sing was a Hong Kong businessman born into a communist Hong Kong family. He was famous for rescuing Chinese dissidents (異見人士) in Operation Yellowbird (黃雀行動) after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, for which he was arrested in 1989. He was later released at the request of British Prime Minister John Major in 1991.


Paris Foreign Missions

The Missions Etrangères de Paris departed in the 1970s.

The Bauhinia blakeana, Hong Kong's official floral emblem (徽章), was discovered growing in the gardens of Béthanie by French priests (祭司) in the 1880s.

Spurrier, P. (2016). The Heritage Hiker's Guide to Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Form Asia.




 Coronavirus Disease 2019

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-51466362



甘棠第樓高四層,樓宇正面由花崗石及紅磚砌成,一樓和二樓有弧形露台,並有木製的百葉窗,欄杆則雕有花紋,以希臘式石柱承托,中間有「H」字代表大宅業主乃何氏家族,不同角落鑲有彩繪玻璃。建築物屬英皇愛德華時期 (Edwardian Period) 風格。甘棠第是香港其中一座最早以鋼筋構建,並有供電線路鋪設的私邸。





October, 2015
1/125 sec. f/4.5 16 mm
ISO 200
Fujifilm X-A2

The earliest of these voluntary organizations (established by local Chinese elites) was the Man Mo Temple, founded in 1847 by Loo Aqui (盧阿桂) and Tam Achoy (譚三才). Although its ostensible (外表的) purpose was to worship the gods of literature and war and to observe religious festivals, the temple served other important functions. It soon became the main social center for Hong Kong's Chinese population, regardless of their regional or occupational affiliations (聯繫). The temple also evolved into the self-managed, informal government of the Chinese community, with the merchants electing a committee to deliberate (仔細討論) disputes. Thus, between the Man Mo Temple and the smaller neighborhood committees, the Chinese community soon developed mechanisms for managing its own affairs. Although the European community often eyed the temple suspiciously for clandestinely (祕密地) controlling "native affairs," the colonial government was happy with the arrangement since it fit with the government's policy of ruling the Chinese on the cheap.

Carroll, J.M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.




Some viruses are highly contagious (like measles), while other viruses are less so. It’s not clear yet how easily 2019-nCoV spreads from person-to-person.


In addition, it is possible that SARS-CoV might be spread more broadly through the air (airborne spread) or by other ways that are not now known.


Einstein And The Bees

In terms of agriculture, the loss of bees would dramatically alter human food systems but would not likely lead to famine. The majority of human calories still come from cereal grains, which are wind-pollinated and are therefore unaffected by bee populations. Many fruits and vegetables, however, are insect-pollinated and could not be grown at such a large scale, or so cheaply, without bees. Blueberries and cherries, for example, rely on honeybees for up to 90 percent of their pollination. Although hand-pollination is a possibility for most fruit and vegetable crops, it is incredibly labor-intensive and expensive. Tiny robotic pollinator drones have been developed in Japan but remain prohibitively (使人望而卻步地) expensive for entire orchards (果園) or fields of time-sensitive flowers. Without bees, the availability and diversity of fresh produce would decline substantially, and human nutrition would likely suffer. Crops that would not be cost-effective to hand- or robot-pollinate would likely be lost or persist only with the dedication of human hobbyists.



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Walled City

Excluded (排除) form the 1898 lease of the New Territories but subsequently claimed by Britain after Qing troops helped villagers resist British rule in the New Territories, this small area became an independent enclave (指在一國境內卻隸屬另一國的一塊領土) where the British generally took a hands-off (不觸及) approach. Although the Walled City had almost disappeared by the eve of World War II it was revived after the war and after the 1949 revolution.

Carroll, J.M. (2007). A Concise History of Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


Photo: phys.org



