


去面試 (Qu mian shi, QMS)是大學講師 Vichy Ho 所提出的求職必殺技。 小弟明天會到東華三院屯門綜合服務中心面試, 求課餘託管導師一兼職, 職責是替小學生進行課後功課指導, 籌備及帶領學生進行課後活動, 定期與家長及同事報告學童情況, 購買茶點及準備小組活動物資替。(要背!) 雖然我不是第一次面試, 但也有點緊張。 事前已經查了地圖, 想好了路線。 今天已擬定了自我介紹的內容, 猜了社工會有什麼問題。 朋友S提醒我要準備回答一些富挑戰性的問題。 例如為什麼二十六歲才畢業。 朋友S提議我答,"disturbed by health problem during study and finally overcome it and complete the program and graduate." 朋友B今天問我怎樣處理反斗的小童。 我答:"會對小朋友說:'假如你再胡鬧便會向你家長或社工說不是。'" 朋友B道:"如果一位小朋友影響了全班, 應請他離開課室, (由別的人照顧)。" 爸爸今晚對我說:"你手震便會泡湯。應該不行, 當取經驗。" 阿媽便叫我收起雙手。 而我最擔憂的是本人中國語文及文化科的不合格成績會否有重大影響。 加上我的普通話只屬於一般, 要靠拼音。


MS Excel and PPT

Excel (1) To refer to a range, two cell addresses will be used, separated by a colon (:). The first cell is the top leftmost cell in the range, and the second is the bottom rightmost cell. (2) There are occasions when the content is too long to be displayed in a cell. A convenient way is to apply AutoFit to columns. For example, select columns A to E by dragging from column heading A to E. Click Format in the Cells group, followed by AutoFit Column Width to automatically adjust the columns' width such that all text are visible. (3) Dollar sign ($) is used for absolute cell reference. Whenever a dollar sign is added, the value after the sign will be fixed and no matter where that formula is copied to, that value will remain unchanged. Powerpoint (1) You can adjust the heading level of a point with the [Tab] key. That means you can either promote or demote a point to your desired heading level. (2) Click to select any one of the three objects Press and hold the [Ctrl] key Click to select the other two objects Right-click on the selection Choose Group, then choose Group again in the sub-menu (3) changes you made in the slide master do not override the changes you made in individual slides